Snooty chocolateTwo Snooty Chefs a premier gourmet seasonings company based in Kitsap County, Washington have blended a new range of chocolate bars designed to be a multi-sensory experience. Available in white, milk, and dark chocolate, the artisan confections are a careful blend of sweet and spicy. Each bar is made with the finest quality chocolate, hand-tempered, and distinctively packaged with fun quotes about chocolate hidden inside.
Available in white, milk, and dark chocolate, the artisan confections are a careful blend of sweet and spicy. Each bar is made with the finest quality chocolate, hand-tempered, and distinctively packaged with fun quotes about chocolate hidden inside.

Two Snooty Chefs co-founder Gary Fuller says the bars make a wonderful gift.

“It’s art within art. There’s this beautiful packaging, and inside there’s a quote about chocolate, and then there’s a premium foil wrapper, and then a delicious chocolate bar,” he said.

“It’s a unique experience,” he added.

Our Gourmet Spice Blends add extraordinary taste to the rich “melt in the mouth” chocolate bars. These unique blends are great for satisfying that chocolate craving.

All Two Snooty Chefs seasonings are prepared without MSG or preservatives.
Now available to order on – on”