According to Amnesty International, over 620,000 Amnesty International supporters have taken action to call for Meriam Yehya Ibrahim’s release. You can do the same too.
Meriam Yehya is a Sudanese woman detained and sentenced to death and 100 lashes while pregnant for choosing to be a Christian and refuses to convert to Islam.
Meriam, who has just given birth, was raised as an Orthodox Christian by her mother who is a Christian . Although her father is a Muslim, he was reportedly absent during Meriam’s childhood. Her marriage to a Christian however was ruled invalid since he was a Christian, she was arrested and charged for adultery last year August following a family member reportedly claiming she was committing adultery. The court added the charge of ‘apostasy’ in February 2014 when Meriam asserted that she was a Christian and not a Muslim. Meriam was convicted of both charges on 11 May 2014 and given three days to recant her faith. When she refused, she was sentenced to death for ‘apostasy’ and 100 lashes for ‘adultery’.
Meriam has today given birth and is still in the prison as she awaits to her fate. Although her lawyers have confirmed that an appeal has been lodged for her release, yet Mariam who is lawfully married to a Christian man remains in custody supposedly in chains over her ankles since her detention during her pregnancy.
Meriam has remained brave and true to her faith in the face of heartless unfounded logic but we can’t stand watching her get hanged for choosing to love the man she wants and choosing her faith. United Nations Amnesty International and other human right bodies have for long made statements , speaking against this barbaric act while the Sudanese Islam remains adamant to their ruling.
We’re raising the awareness level and hope you do the same by joining the conversation on twitter with the #SaveMeriam or #Sudan and don’t forget to sign the petition with Amnesty International.