AFWALast year the Netherlands saw  a new wave of fashion event . This was home to the first ever Africa Fashion Week Amsterdam (AFWA), which consisted of an interactive celebration of fashion, culture, music and talent within the World Fashion Centre, Amsterdam. The event was hailed in the media as a great success, which saw thousands of visitors watch dozens of models glide down the runway in hundreds of African inspired or designed outfits to the delight and excitement of its audiences.

This year, with enhanced exposure and funding, AFWA is looking to break existing records as the brand continues to grow in popularity within the media and community as a bench mark for promoting causes, uniting talents and breaking barriers within the community.

The event will take place for the second year from 27th to 30th August at an exclusive venue within Amsterdam.

´Many key figures from the Africa community have already confirmed their attendance such as award winning movie star Ramsey Nouah and several prominent business entrepreneurs. We are looking to break existing records and take the event to the next level, which is certainly developing´ Diana Tambe (Founder and Chief Executive Officer of AFWA) quoted.

Visitors and media can expect to see a multi-cultural and talent rich celebration of African lifestyle and talent. From networking events and press days to over thirty fashion shows, the event will culminate with an interactive awards ceremony which will celebrate new talent, and launch Africa Fashion Week Amsterdam’s affiliated magazine publication, along with its cover face competition winner. Sasa magazine will be an on-line and published bi-annual retrospective of arts, culture, fashion and talent based on the values of African society but fostering an inclusion for everyone.

The event will also be contributing a percentage of its profits towards The Diana Tambe Foundation (a charitable body seeking to promote, maintain and improve levels of healthcare, education, training and provision of facilities within the African community).

Tickets, pricing structures and benefits will be available online by visiting the website  from 1st July 2015.