
Liberian Football Association president Musa Bility’s bid to become Fifa president will have to do without an endorsement from CAF as the association has decided not to back him.

Bility, 48, is one of four men set to stand in next year’s election to replace incumbent Sepp Blatter.

“The Caf executive committee decided unanimously not to give Musa Bility the support he requested,” Caf stated.

Caf said it wished Bility good luck in the continuation of his mission but would only decide which candidate it would back following a meeting in Cairo at the end of October, once all the candidates had registered.

However, Bility stated that his meeting with the body “was not about Caf endorsing me”.
He said, “I’m privileged to have had the opportunity to talk to the entire Caf executive committee, to answer questions – concerns, admirations – all the issues that are wrong with football we discussed. That was a privilege.

“I did not go to get a unanimous vote. I was given an opportunity to explain and lay my platform. That’s why I went and I’m happy I got it. There is a nomination process going on and the door for other people in African remains open. Until that door closes Caf cannot unanimously support me.”

Bility is only the second African ever to make a bid for the job. Brazilian Zico, Frenchman Michel Platini and South Korean Chung Mong-joon are the other names in the frame to stand in the 26 February election.

Bility needs the written endorsement of at least five football associations to get onto the ballot for the election to choose a replacement for outgoing president Sepp Blatter on 26 February. The deadline for candidates to register is 26 October.