Share your hopes and or fears on BREXIT effect on your business.

brexit faustina
In just a month, Britain will be making a crucial decision whether to stay or to leave the EU. The opinions are divided for various valid reasons.
As an immigrant entrepreneur from common wealth nation, how are you involved in this debate? What are your fears and or hopes on the result of the referendum come 23rd of June?

Faustina Anyanwu Chief editor for C. Hub magazine would like to hear from you. To participate, simply email her in the format below and your views will be published along side other participants. Don’t miss this news opportunity for your business and self.

Email to –
Caption: Brexit on business
Your name.
Name and type of business.
How long have you been in business?
Brief description of your business (not more than 50 words, include your business website if any)
How will the referendum result affect your business? (not more than 50 words).

If you know anyone who will benefit from this, please do share with them. Deadline for submission is Friday 27th of May 2016. Article to be feature on C. Hub magazine website on Wednesday 1st of June .
If you’re yet to register to vote, you can still do so before the 7th of June on