Blogging is one of the things that is growing big in Nigeria.

As a person who is interested in fashion, you will know that there are so many fashion bloggers who are shaping the fashion industry in Nigeria.

And so, this post will talk about some of the creative Nigerian fashion bloggers you should know:

  1. Sarah Audu: one of the things notable about Sarah Audu is that she loves vintage pieces. She knows how to pair her pieces in ways that you might never have thought of. You can check out her blog here.
Sarah Audu
Photo: Courtesy

2. Dodos Uvieghara she is a makeup artist who is also pasionate about fashion. The pieces she wears are clean and very fashionable. You can check out her blog here.

Dodos Uvieghara
Photo: Courtesy

3. Deola Adebiyi: Deola is a very creative fashion and beauty blogger. She is the editor and founder of Omoge Mura. You can check out Omoge Mura here.

Deola Adebiyi
Photo: Courtesy Omoge Mura

4. Sayedero Enytan: she is the editor and founder of The Fashion Engineer. Her style is unique and fashionable. Check out here.

Saydero Enytan
Photo: Courtesy