John Ruskin once said, “A book worth reading is worth buying.”
Books are important and they ae beneficial to us. We learn so many things from books; books are very informative, and they can serve as a form of entertainment as well.
I love reading books, I love reading good books and learning the important things I need to learn from them.
As a Nigerian, I know that there are so many Nigerian authors who have written classics that till date still hold a lot of meaning and information.
Here are some of the books:
- ‘Things Fall Apart’, by Chinua Achebe: this is a novel that is set in the Eastern part of Nigeria. It gives insight into the pre-colonial and post-colonial life in the 19th century, as well as the Igbo tradition. The book also talks about the fall of Okonkwo, the protagonist in the book.
- ‘Ake: The Years of Childhood’ by Wole Soyinka: this is another classic written by a Nobel-prize winning Nigerian writer. This book is a memoir, an autobiography of the author, Wole Soyinka. The book took readers through the author’s childhood years. Wole Soyinka is a novelist, playwright, and poet.
- ‘Everything Good Will Come’ by Sefi Atta: I like Sefi Atta’s books, and this book talks about a young girl, Enitan, and the travails of the society. It also talks about the friendship between two African girls from different classes of the society.
- ‘No Longer at Ease’ by Chinua Achebe: this book talks about the prevalence of corruption in our society. It takes us through the trial of Obi Okonkwo, the protagonist in the story, who was on trial for corruption.
- ‘The Joys of Motherhood’ by Buchi Emechetha: this book is one of the books I really enjoyed reading during my secondary school days. I read the book cover to cover. This book talks about women, their roles, struggles, and joys. Nnu Ego, the protagonist went through a lot of struggle and despair, when it comes to motherhood.
- ‘Without a Silver Spoon’ by Eddie Iroh: This book was widely-read and it is still read. One of the main ideas of this book is honesty. The book talks about a young boy who wasn’t born with silver spoon, and how honesty played out in his story. The book teaches us that honest is the best policy.
- ‘Daughters who walk this Path’, by Yejide Kilanko: this book shows how silence sometimes becomes part of the norm in societies. It talks about a young girl who was assaulted by her cousin, and how she broke the norm of silence.
- ‘Violence’, by Festus Iyayi: this is another book I read cover to cover! This book explains how violence occurs in different ways, such as psychological and physical violence. It also takes a look at poverty in the society.