Danielle was born weighing just one pound 4 ounces, now 20, she launches clothing brand for premature babies.
When Danielle was born on 14th February 1997 at King’s College hospital, she weighed one pound 4 ounces, less than a bag of sugar.
She recalls, “I was accurately the size of my dad’s hand and 13 weeks premature.”
The doctors had told her mother she had a zero to five percent chance to live and that she should have let her go given the mother’s ill-health with preeclampsia that made her a high risk. But regardless of what the doctors said Danielle’s mum proceeded to give her the chance to live and she was willing to sacrifice her own life for her baby.
Baby Danielle was very ill and had to stay in hospital for 5 months in an incubator and the intensive care unit. Her parents were in a tough situation seeing their daughter fight for her life. “I had to wear only nappies for several weeks because nothing could fit me and then eventually doll clothes because I was so tiny that doll clothes were the only thing that could fit me and mum always recalls how difficult it was just to find clothes that would fit me and that was the only option until I eventually got bigger and left hospital after 5 months of fighting for my survival.
Several times at a point, the doctors had wanted to turn off her machine and spoke negative words over the baby, ‘saying she would be brain damaged and have heart problems and other medical concerns’.
“As a matter of fact my mother told me that there was this nurse that used to speak negative words over my heart rate when it was in a good condition.” Danielle re-echoes the story her mother told her.
She added, “Every time she used to speak negatively over my heart rate, it would drop down quickly to a low level. Then my mother would tell her to go and her and my father would pray over me and it would go back up again. In spite of what the doctors said and predicted a low chance of survival for me, I’m here today. Because of the prayers all over the world that had kept me.”
Danielle is now 20 years old, studying Business Management at the university of Derby and in her final year to graduate next year with a BA Hons in Business Management. Danielle is gradually turned her life around and growing into such an achieving women who continues to inspire others.
She was the only student to represent her college at Ten Downing Street and Houses of Parliament for International Women’s Day back in 2014. “I got to meet quite a few dignitaries including the ex deputy prime minister. That was such a mind blowing experience for me and wonderful privilege.” She recalls.
Also while in High School, she was a part of School Council and had the opportunity to take part in a Croydon Councillors’ Meeting to discuss ways that schools and colleges could improve their education within the borough. She was later awarded for her excellent participation by the deputy head teacher
“My most achievement to date is speaking at events both religious and non religious events where I can share my story to encourage people that there is hope in any circumstance. I also get invited back to King’s College Hospital to share my story and to help encourage the parents and young tots that, If I was able to survive you can too, with God’s help.
Just seeing the parents’ fears and anxiety on their faces and at times tearful eyes makes touches my heart because they don’t know whether they would hear the worst news that their child has passed away. But, whenever I come and encourage them, each time they leave feeling uplifted and encouraged and that’s how I know God is using me to be a light, to be a ray of hope to those in dark hopeless situations.” She added.
“I spoke at a women’s breakfast event recently and my heart was touched because there was a lady who only just turned 50 and she got up and shared last minute what was on her heart. She thanked me for sharing my story and then went on to say she also weighed only one pound a bag of sugar at birth then broke down after that. She went on to say she promises to stop overdosing because of my encouragement that there is life in hopeless situations since we have the power to speak life into them. And then she broke down and then I ran up to her with tears in my eyes and opened arms and hugged and prayed for her. My heart was touched that I saved someone from wanting to overdose themselves because of my encouragement about how there is life is hopeless circumstances and we have the power to speak the change we want into them! We have been in contact ever since and she is progressing very well and doing much better in her life and I thank God for that.”
Danielle has also launched her business, Little Might, within the premature baby sector. “I’m doing this because, I feel that through my story it will encourage others that there is hope no matter how difficult their situation may be.
Little MIGHT will be speaking hope into premature babies futures. This will consist of clothing that will have words of life and hope such as BRAVE, STRONG. ANOINTED, BLESSED,UNIQUE, SPECIAL and more. And will consist of little tots names to remind them that they rose above any negative reports that the doctors spoke over them and to be a reminder of hope to their parents.
“I am also in the process of writing my book ‘My Journey Of Hope.’ Which talks more in depth about my journey from birth to almost 21 on Valentine’s Day!
The blessings and struggles I went through which made me the young woman I am and how God has been faithful to me from birth to now! I hope that through this upcoming book that many people will be blessed and will know that if I was in a hopeless situation and God came through for me he will definitely do the same for you! The book will be out next year.”
“It’s a blessing to look back at my story and realise that I am truly indeed a miracle and to be a ray of hope to others within a similar situation to enable them to make a difference. I also hope to travel the world and help people across the globe to make a difference through my story. Knowing that with God’s help he’ll make anything possible for me!” She concluded.