American star, Akon who in the last few years has put African millionaires and Global Charities to shame with his Akon Lighting Africa project, is at it again.
At a time when Nigeria’s President Buhari abandons his over 170 million citizens to seek for medical attention in the UK for over 2 months, Akon has told Africans there is no such thing as the West is greener.
He tells Africans that what they put out there is what the world takes and believes. He emphasizes on the fact that the media, entertainers, musicians, filmmakers should take responsibility in rebranding Africa.
I love this because this resonates with what I have been saying for years and the whole essence of C. Hub Magazine. I don’t understand how and why African media has become worse than their western counterparts in publishing any and every negative story about Africa. Often times without proper research or getting the facts. Bloggers are quick to release gory images of dead, sick, poor children in the name of looking for traffic and for social media likes. It seems they don’t understand their role here.
For many years Africa has suffered with so much western media propaganda of branding everything Africa to be poorly, beggarly, sick and cheap. This has rendered and entire continent of great people, great talent, great culture, untapped rich natural resources, to be the poorest of all places. Yet half of worlds food and natural resources come from Africa. How could Africa be poor if not for the bad marketing and packaging and lies sold to us from generation to generation.
Our Africans are dying like rats in the ocean trying to cross over to ‘land of opportunities’, ‘land of hope’, greener pastures’, because we were sold lies and our elites and leaders continue to use those lies against their own citizens for their own personal gullibility.
Every well meaning African must watch this.