Cover man, Emeka Anyanwu for The Entrepreneur issue.
Cover man, Emeka Anyanwu for The Entrepreneur issue.

Entrepreneur Issue, Editor’s Letter

Step Outside your comfort zone and hold your destiny in your hand.

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January 2012 I had just turned 34 and was nursing my third daughter. That would be my 6th year in UK as a stay at home mum. Being someone who had always worked before I got married with so many dreams to fulfil, I became restless. One thing was sure, I was not going to go back to Nursing, my career for the past half decade. This was a clear agreement with my husband from the onset. He knew I was never going to practise my profession in the near future.

Faced with deciding on my new career in a new system was going to be a great deal. I had nightmares. The thought of my venturing into a new career gave me different types of feelings. From fear to excitement to anxiety. The road looked bleak and at the same time rosy. It was certainly going to be a huge leap. And I wasn’t going to leap without looking. I checked all my options.

In the last 3 years, I have been doing a lot of researches, including trying to unlock the power within. I needed to be certain of my self acclaimed talent as a writer and also, I needed to arm myself well with the necessary skills to carry me along with my interest in media. Both were not easily fetched. Having had 3 good years of contemplation and research, January 2012 was the ideal time to strike. I became restless. I’d been writing my blog as a hobby and I knew it had to go beyond hobby this time. I finally summoned courage to let my husband into what I was planning. To my surprise, he became even more excited than myself.

Fast forward 5 years from 2012, here we are celebrating 5 years of C. Hub Magazine as a Faunteewrites Limited publication. Within 5 years, C. Hub Magazine has become a phenomenon, with the flagship Creativity Award set for it’s third year this year in November. Not all, C. Hub magazine has created job opportunities for talents beyond borders and creed. Both in UK, Nigeria, Botswana and Canada. C. Hub Magazine has continued to rank high in quality content, which are both informative and relevant, as well as high quality print and also in the App store. Boasting of over 5000 subscribers to both the print and the App and over 2 million website hits per month. Read all over the world.

In this Entrepreneur Issue, The greatest story being that as we turn 5 this year, our publisher Emeka Anyanwu also turns 50; the cover story. What a great gift he has been to humanity. Extremely proud of his dedication and achievements in the last 5 years, he has shared with me his 50 lessons in his 50 years of life.

As we celebrate we look back with great pride that against all odds, we have maintained a standard worthy of emulation, inspiring great talents to continue to Thrive. We bring you also in this Entrepreneur issue, stories of success and lessons from successful entrepreneurs who have worked so hard over 5 years building and sustaining their own business. It’s a must read.

The Entrepreneur issue, C. Hub Magazine
C. Hub Magazine Publisher, Emeka Anyanwu covers The Entrepreneur issue as he turns 50.
This collector’s edition of C. Hub Magazine is nothing you’ve seen before. Packed with great tips on every aspect of starting and growing your own business or career.

Stay with us.

Still your girl,


Faustina Anyanwu.


CA Awards Directors (Emeka Anyanwu, Prof Rotimi Jayesimi, Faustina Anyanwu, Geoffrey Odur, Chief Ayo Oyebade, Dr Brighton Chireka, Prince Ezem Ihenacho)