Every Entrepreneur Should Send Their Clients a Christmas Greeting and This is Why.
Throughout the weekend my daughters wouldn’t let me do a thing until I took them shopping for their friends Christmas cards and gifts. As we got into the shop, I could see the excitement in their eyes In their voices. It was so interesting to watch as they made sure they chose the right cards with the right nativity and message on it. They looked out for the right colours too. Then the tiny little gifts and finally selecting the perfect Christmas themed wrapping paper. The joy, the emotion, the enthusiasm and energy was so infectious, other mums from time to time would beam at us.
The entire experience got me thinking. It’s not been that long ago when we used to be so attached to the Christmas feeling. I remember I and my siblings even knew the distinct Christmas aroma. Got me thinking, where has the time, the good old times gone? Watching my kids beam in excitement and anticipation of how happy their friends were going to be seeing their presents is all you need to see to know that we adults have been doing it wrong. Then you go, no wonder we are the way we are now with our so called ‘civilisation’.
Regardless of what you believe or think about Christmas, this is the end of the year, and it brings with it a feeling of nostalgia, anticipation, and excitement. And regardless of what you think about greeting cards, they remain the most simple yet, perfect expression of a person’s relevance to our lives. Good news is, for the climate savers, you can still send a digital greetings card which are even easier to personalise. And this is why you don’t have to deny your clients this emotional investment.
Sends the right message without going overboard.
For every business, the client is the king. Without people buying your products and services, you won’t be in business. The slightest little gestures reassures your clients that they are truly valued.
Creates opportunity for reflection: Words are powerful. Wishing people peace and joy, or some other beautiful words at this time of the year gives hope. It could be the only thing anyone needs to reflect and bring back beautiful memories that can keep them going. It reminds then to think about their own lives, how much they have given thoughts to so many who cherishes them and would miss them when they’re gone. These positive words have the power to reverse a thought process that could be life changing. So go ahead, send it. Put a smile on their faces.
Embraces the festive spirit: For over 11 months, it has been toil, hustle and more toiling. The end of the year offers us opportunity to relax and have a laugh with people most important to us. You have all these months been bombarding your clients with one ‘to do’ to another every single month. This simple gesture creates the opportunity for you to show the human face of your business. It helps build trust and bonds you and your clients.