The Legacy of TY Chijioke Nigerian British Rapper who died from Covid19.

“He spoke of his experience of living with a white family when he was little ( apparently it was quite common in the 70s for some immigrant families to send their children to live with white adopted families for a few years whilst they adjusted to UK life). A story that was also captured in his appearance on a Channel 4 News show in 2019, where it was stated that he spent most of his young age in a foster home. He also spoke on how he entered into the UK music industry, what it was like as a Nigerian man growing up in a time when it was not popular to be African.”

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Creative Ways To Help The Most Vulnerable During the Covid19 Lockdown.

Even as many are eager to help out, it becomes extremely difficult to reach those who need your help the most without making them feel exposed or embarrassed. This may become a great challenge hindering so many from reaching out and helping as many people as they would wish to help. Therefore, it time to get creative in your charitable giving.

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