DIGITALIS VOXAFRICA AWARDS 2013 LOGOThe prestigious event will take place on Tuesday 17th December at Google London HQ. Please see this link for the promotional video, which will go live on Monday 25thNovember, 12pm

The awards highlight the new media maker who can wake up, write, cast and fund a project online, record and edit with a mobile device, launch a YouTube channel to distribute the content, design a blog to publicise their work and find an audience via any one of a number of social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more. Digital-iS our reality. As there has been a constant debate on the lack of diversity across mainstream media channels, the Screen Nation Digital-iS Awards is creating a great platform to give new voices  and recognise the wealth of talent succeeding in the digital arena.

The event being sponsored by  Google and Afrinolly and  presented in conjunction with Vox Africa (Sky218 ) will showcase the best online content produced by black British and international digital media creatives across short film, web series, music promos, blogs, magazines, social networks and more.

The nominees are –

Favourite Web Series Actor:

Kingsley Amadi (Spin)

Michael Salami (Spin)

Samuell Benta (All About The McKenzies)

Wil Johnson (Sokorates)

Zephryn Taitte (Brothers With No Game)

Favourite Web Series Actress:

Busayo Ige (Unfamous)

Letitia Hector (Venus vs Mars)

Linda Adey (Dear Jesus)

Ria Horsford (All About The McKenzies)

Segilola Scott (Breach)

Tanya Vital (Sokorates)

Favourite Web Series Ensemble:

All About The McKenzies


Brothers With No Game

