This Exhibition is the brain child of documentary photographer Michael Tubi. It aims to showcase and promote the very best of African music and has been endorsed by a number of high profile individuals in the world of African music, sports, business and society
Photographer Michael Tubi created the “Sounds of Africa” exhibit with the purpose of giving  the attendees a greater understanding and appreciation of the intriguing mixes and complexities of genres such as Afrobeats, Hi – Life, Makossa, Kwaito, Coupe – Decale.

We are inviting you to be a part of a ground breaking, one of a kind event that will portray and highlight the magnificent heritage and creative zest that is quintessentially and unapologetically the “Sounds of Africa”!

Michael has used this exhibition as an outlet to showcase the exciting and diverse myriad of African artists who are taking African music to the global stage today.

Come and experience:

The Multiplicity!  The Richness!  The Rhythm!  The Drum!  The Culture! of contemporary African artistry and music

Please find more details about the exhibition below.

Private View

Tuesday 25th August 6 – 9pm


Exhibition Continues

Wednesday 26th – 28th August 11am – 6pm

Saturday 29th August 11am – 3pm


Menier Gallery 51 Southwark Street London, SE 1 1RU

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