As a woman in this century, one of the things that might be your concern is how to be more visible at work. How to get that opinion of yours heard, how to give quality feedbacks in meetings, how to be more outspoken, how to get yourself recognized by the right people, how to be more visible!
We get it. And here are 10 ways women can gain more visibility at work:

- Stop being Shy: if you want to be more visible at work, you need to stop being shy and come out of that comfort zone. You need to be able to raise up your hand to offer your opinion when you need to. You need to be able to walk up to that person you need to walk up to without feeling inferior.
- Offer value: to gain more visibility at work, you need to offer the right value. When you offer the right value, you give people the opportunity to need your input in cogent official matters, you become more valuable to the organization.
- Need a Promotion? Are you looking towards gaining a promotion at work? One of the things you can do is to take on unexpected tasks in that area you want a promotion and deliver with great results. When you do this, you show that you are capable of
- Support other Women: it is not enough to look out for yourself, you need to also look out for others. Have you noticed junior colleagues that need encouragement at work? Have you noticed junior colleagues who need people to stand up for them?
- Embrace visibility: a role for a team lead is opened? Can you take it? Or are you too shy to take it? Nominations are up for the new group leader or supervisor, can you be among them or you are too shy? You need to start embracing visibility if you want to be more visible at work.
- Work on your strengths: what are your strengths? How can you use them to your advantage? It is time to stop beating yourself about your weaknesses and start using your strengths to your advantage.
- Volunteer: is there a position for someone to take up being head of the planning committee of the company’s anniversary party? is that something you can do? Can you take up the position?
- Be a good team player: everyone loves a good team player. How can you work better when grouped in teams? Teamwork exhibits a lot if we take our time to study each team members.
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions: Need clarifications on some things? Don’t be afraid to ask the right questions. It is better to know than to not know and pretend that you do.
- Give each task your best: as much as you can, give each task your best and go the extra mile.