You may recall our report questioning the validity of a wide spread honorary doctorate being sold to Africans in the diaspora which has raised dust since the article. The so called academy issuing such fake honorary doctorate responds to the report.

Accuses C. Hub magazine of –

1. Wanting to extract huge amount of money from them.
2. Trying to cause conflict between Nigerians and other ethnic communities.
3. Refuses to state what accreditation gives them power to issue honorary doctorate.
4. Copies some names which had been already implicated by victims’ testimony as part of the scam gang: Pauline Long. Marina Nani, Melody Makore, First Lady Mel and Viola Edward.

You have to read this extensive letter yourself and make up your own mind while we continue to update you on our finds and my following reply to this shambolic and embarrasing justification of this large scale scam.

Stay with us.

The letter begins as received.

“Publisher Of The Article with Reference “Busted: Rogue College Selling Honorary Doctorate to Africans in London” – From Your Web site Published by Faustina Anyanwu at July 28, 2018

Sub: – Answers Of your Questions written by You In The Above Published Matter with the Humble Request to Remove Your Post which is Deliberately Done to Defame Our Name & Reputation For the Purpose of Black mailing us to Extract Huge Money from Us.

Madam Faustina Anyanwu ,

With Due Respect we most humbly would like to give answers of your questions which you wrote in your above mention Web Site Link Publication which is based on some False Stories of some groups Of People which is 100% false & Fake & Blackmailing stunt of those who are against The Global Peace MOVEMENT , those who promote Discrimination & Conflicts in the Global Civil Society . These group of People are The Supporters Of Terrorism and trying to Stop our MISSION OF Building Up A Transformed Civilization Of “PEACE LOVING -PEACE LIVING -PEACE PRACTICING” Community which we are doing through our Academy from many Years.

Former USA President Hon’ble Mr. Barack Obama Honoured Our Founder Chairman Dr. Madhu Krishan with LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD For his Incredible Works to Establish Global Peace In More than 77 Nations through our ACADEMY OF UNIVERSAL GLOBAL PEACE USA . See the Attachment

We are Legally Incorporated /Registered Under Federal Government Of USA with Registration Numbers under USA Government –> No.. 010104001 under the Category Of CHARITABLE , RELIGIOUS, EDUCATION, SCIENTFC PURPOSES & after observing our Good works , The USA Government has granted us the TAX Exemption under the Section of 501(c)(3) Of The Federal Internal Tax act & Registered our AUGP USA Under USA /IRS No. 82777778/CP575 SA . This give the Privilege to those who are Donating to our Organization ,they will get Tax Exemption under the above mentioned Section Of Federal Income Tax act. The authentication of our Organization issued by USA Government with APOSTILLE is attached for your reference . You can also verify our this authentication directly from the Official Web site of US Government in the Link & fill up our Certification Number 1406257510 which is mentioned in the APOSTILLE Of USA Government down below left hand side (See The attachment).

Though we are at Liberty to take Donations for Education, Religious, Charitable, Scientific Purposes but Till Date we have not taken a Single Money as Donation , neither from others , nor from any Achievers who received Certificates & Awards from Our Organization in UK . We would like to Firmly Confirm that we have not received any Money from any Awardees & Recipients of our Certificates during the three Events of International Seminar On Establishing Global Peace For Sustainable Development for Making UNITED KINGDOM Strong to Support UN SDGs Goal 2030 , followed by Award Ceremony , we had in UK , In the Year 2016 which was organized by our Representative Rt. Rev. Bishop Melody Makorie in the Venue Birmingham University , & in the Year 2017 which was Organized by Our Chief Ambassador Dr. Pauline Long in the Venue Westminster University Auditorium & again this Year 20018 in the same Venue. Westminster University by same Chief Amb. Dr. Pauline Long. .We never claimed that we are Affiliated to The VENUE (Westminster University & Birmingham University ) where we organised The International Seminar On Establishing Global Peace For Sustainable Development for Making UNITED KINGDOM Strong to Support UN SDGs Goal 2030 , Followed by The Award Ceremony. However on our Inquiry from our Representative Amb. Dr. Pauline Long , we were informed that each respective Awardees had brought more than 6 Guests family members of their own so they must have paid for their Cocktail Drinks, High Tea & for their 5 Course Gala Dinner in 5 Star Hotel in London and also for Purchasing their Gowns & Costumes , etc for which we are not aware of , how much was the Cost & how much they Paid directly either to Clear the Hotel Bills or for Purchase of Costumes ,Gowns etc .

It is pertinent to mention that in our web site , we write very clearly in the Bottom , that , NOTE – We will not be responsible for any cash given or money transferred in any other personal name of any one either Registrar, or any Staff & if you obtain any Certificates through such Persons are not Recognized . Please confirm your authenticated Registration Number from our Office Records through email to
We Once again AFFIRM That Our Organization AUGP USA has not received any Donation Money either in form of Bank Transfer or Cash from any Awardees of all the Three Events in UK . This is further to state that , We are having no Discrimination between Nigerians & any other National Citizens , as you are Shoeing the Seed of Discrimination & Conflict between Ethnic Groups by writing in your article Specifically for NIGERIANS. If you don’t remove such articles then we are afraid , you are deliberately & Intentionally & Wilfully inviting Conflicts & ethnic fights , and we condom that from the Depth of our Heart. .

Our Chairman & our Team are working hard to stop War , Stop Terrorism, Stop Corruption and are signing Peace Treaty with Army General & Religious Spiritual Leaders so we are afraid with your deliberate Move with wrong intension of bringing Conflicts & discrimination among Nigerians and among others . See the Link


This is further to inform you that our Founder Chairman is a Dedicated PEACE BUILDER & Working hard to Establish Global Peace from many Years. Though his Liver was damaged as he used to work for Disaster Victims, War Victims and ultimately he had to go for Full Liver Transplant Surgery but he never stopped his Mission To Build a Transformed Civilization Of ‘ PEACE LOVING – PEACE LIVING –PEACE PRACTICING’ world wide among all Global Citizens without any Discrimination . During the Tsunami Disaster , He spent his own money to provide relief & Rehabilitation to 10,000 Tsunami Victims Family & he built 10,000 Earth Quake Resistant Houses & donated to Victims & Government Of India gave him a very Prestigious Award On the Republic Day Of India and Honoured him also as PRIDE OF INDIA. See the Details in the web site of AWARD COUNCIL OF INDIA Link

Government Of India Commendation Certificate Award

Statue Of His Eminence Dr. Madhu Krishan in Brass is also installed in Museum in Europe /Balkans for his incredible services to establish Peace among all Ethnic Groups & his incredible Humanitarian works. See the Link —

We are actively Involved to support Sustainable Development Goals Of United Nations & are In United Nation with Regd ID No . 10478. See the link of the Web site Of United Nations . Our annual activities report is also being Published by United Nations , where we are Transforming more than 30,000 Global Citizens EVERY YEAR as PEACE BUILDERS through our Academic Courses, Seminars, Conferences, Workshops , Training To Trainers programs , etc, etc

See the Link — . .

See some Photos f On going Activities and

His Eminence Dr. Madhu Krishan From the UNITED NATIONS Head Quarter Podium Spoke about the Global Peace & also Hnoured many VVIPs Like Chair Judge, & in many occasions, Many Prime Ministers & Presidents of many Countries received similar Awards & Certificates of Doctorate Degree (Honoris Causa),

See Our Organization as Inter Governmental Status Registration in the United Nations DESA link

Where in our Organization is recorded as below Status

Academy of Universal Global Peace (A Unit of Snahalaya Ashram)

Our Organization AUGP USA is also affiliated under United Nations University for Global Peace , & American Diplomatic Mission For International Relations & Diplomatic Mission (Balkan & Europe & and also under Vox Dei American University , Florida USA & Hebron Eco University & Logos University ,Florida, USA & many others Universities . All these information are written in all the Certificates & in web sites & . We are 100% Transparent , and all the Awardees have gone through all our Web site and UN Web sites etc and then only applied Voluntarily by themselves for Awards & Certificates. No one has forced them to receive Certificates & Awards from us.

This is pertinent to mention that you have reproduced some Lines of one old article of 2010 of Word Press in which One Person wrote just one & only One Article adverse about us bringing discrimination about Religion and that Publisher was arrested and was put in Jail in the Year 2010 . We were surprised to see that you are reproducing some lines from that article so we are forced to understand that you are a part of similar Lobby with such anti-social elements of the Global Civil Society who write in Blog,s Word Press , Social Medai to Black Mail world Reputed Person & Organization to extract huge Money .

It is also pertinent to mention that this trip , during the Stay of His Eminence Dr. Madhu Krishan , Our Founder Chairman in London, from 12th July To 17th July , many Threatening Calls , Blackmailing calls were coming that if we Don’t Pay them 500,000 UK POUND to them, they will start writing bad about our AUGP USA in Social Media & in other Media . When those Black Mailers did not get response from us, they threatened to Kidnap Dr. Madhu Krishan & Murder him if the Ransom Money of 500,000 UK Pounds is not given, Hence Our Amb. Dr. Pauline instead of Keeping His Eminence Dr. Madhu Krishan in Hotel , She kept him in Security in the House of Deputy Mayor & was shifting him from One House of Deputy Mayor to another House Of Deputy Mayor . Now it is revelled from your such Defaming article in your web site , & propagating in Face Book & other Social Media , we have come to Conclusion that You & your Team of Gangsters were the only Gangs who were trying to Kidnap & murder His Eminence Dr. Madhu Krishan soon after the Event in Westminster University & Gala Dinner in 5 Star Hotel was over in the Mid Night.

We have a Great Respect with Gratitude for all The United Kingdom’s Mayors, , Members Of Parliament & the Whole Government of The Republic Of United Kingdom who are known in the World for Providing JUSTICE To all. In The Year 2017 , The Mayor Of Wolverhampton along with his team including Members Of Parliament etc Honoured His Eminence Dr. Madhu Krishan with a Prestigious Award namely Global Leader For Human Rights during the CIVC Reception in Mayor’s Suit & Chamber.

See the Photos link

Even this Time a Warm Welcome Recepition was given to His Eminence Dr. Madhu Krishan in Mayor’s Suite .

See the Photo Link —

We most humbly would like to request your Goodself to kindly remove the Post you posted in your Web site & stop bringing Conflicts between Nigerian & other Ethnic Group.

Since United Kingdom is an Excellent Country of PEACE LOVING & PEACE PRACVTICING, but because of such anti – Social elements, Black Mailers, Kidnapers, Murderers, we will not be able to organize such GLOBAL PEACE SEMINAR to support United Nations SDGs Goal 2030 and Award Ceremony in United Kingdom any more .

In case you dont want to Remove your Post , then kindly Publish our This email with attachments also in the same Page of your Web site

Busted: Rogue College Selling Honorary Doctorate to Africans in London.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this mail .

With Regards ,

Director , AUGP USA &