Tourism: sustainability is the trend of 2023, according to the latest data

This trend is reflected in the numbers according to the latest data of the Swg observatory released in March of this year. Four Italians out of five would be willing to experience sustainable tourism, thus preferring to stay in a certified environmentally-friendly structure at the same cost. As far as the environmental protection initiatives are concerned, almost 70% of the sample respondents are in favour of limited access and traffic restrictions and 73% would be ready to do without their cars and use public transport or ecological vehicles.

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COVID-19’s Legacy of Mental Health Problems – Therapist, Lee Hawker Weighs In.

Throughout the pandemic, we saw increasing numbers of people suffering from anxiety, depression, loneliness, and other mental health concerns. Addictive behaviours with social isolation and the loss of human connection resulting in some of the nation turning to alcohol and in some cases drugs as a coping mechanism were seen to be also on a sharp rise.

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Three short Mind Exercises For Losing Weight.

This method may seem rather flippant, however, what you are doing is not only re-writing your internal script, but you are also raising your vibrational energy and releasing fabulous feel-good endorphins. You are reprogramming your subconscious mind into having a very positive default setting when you think about yourself, and the natural consequence of this is that you start to realise that you deserve to treat yourself better when it comes to food choices. It is very simple but awesomely powerful!

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